創作理念:To relate to the subject and the characteristics of this exhibition, I wanted to create an art piece incorporating the thoughts and all those tiny destinies that are often forgotten by us in the daily life.
I chose grapevine balls as the base of my piece, representing the completeness of our lives, families and even societies
The main focus for my work is hydrangea; the shape of hydrangea is rounded, and put together with a lot of flower petals, which also ⋯⋯represents the importance of our society and the civilization that we have created from time to time together. The finished product also exemplifies the planet that we’re living in which we should be really grateful of.
My color choices are more natural color, due to the message I want to deliver by my floral piece. I hope and want us humans could be more blended into the nature, and being a part of the environment instead of just being so distance with every other creatures that shares our home, but actually embrace them.

在忙碌紛擾的日常中, 不要忘了停下腳步, 擁抱家人, 人群和大自然

繡球花因為聚集了眾多花瓣呈美麗的圓形姿態, 象徵著與人之間斬不斷的聯繫, 故而有著希望, 永恆, 美滿, 團聚等花語.,
籐球上的藍色繡球花, 是居住在個別家庭中的人們.
藉由互相串聯的藤球, 表示個體生命藉由家庭與社會的連結才得以圓滿.
大地色調的藤球和綠色的嬰兒淚, 暗示人類與地球的關係, 期望能更加融入, 愛護與感恩大自然.

學員展覽作品- Serena K. Hsu 嘉欣


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